mardi 26 janvier 2010

Lamma Island + Lunar New Year Deco

For those who cannot read French and have been asking me when I was going to write in English, this new post will be 100% in Shakespeare's language (or the modern version of it).
Last Tuesday was the day for an afternoon walk on Lamma Island. Small piece of land South west of the Hong Kong Island. After taking a ferry from Central for 20 min, you get to this little quiet place called Yuen Shue Wan.

After wondering around in the small village, you get to the start of the trail. First impressions: lot of dogs, people travel in these little trucks.

the smile of the day, take 2.

Lamma Police station. it just feels like they don't know the meaning of emergency. does this word even exist on this island?

this is a small beach, half way on the trail. I need to come back here when it's warmer to eat some bbq and enjoy this place.

some real painting talents here.

Then, out of nowhere, you find this little paradise called herboland where they grow organic herb and vege.

these pieces of furnitures look well in proportion but the stool were actually less then 12 inches tall. they were serving the best herb tea.

this is one of the only ugly things on this island : a huge power plan that really breaks the beauty of the nature.

the only bit of sun of the day, but just amazing.

at the end of the trail, you arrive to this fisherman village in the Sok Kwu Wan bay.

it is great how, on the other side of the world, this garden made me remember of my father's...

there are lots of grottoes like these around the island at the beach level which were used by the Japanese to hide boats during the WWII.

the first star fruit tree that i saw in my life.

when you get in the village, there is a row of seafood restaurants with fish and shellfish in clear tanks right on the sidewalk so you can pick what to eat.

the restaurant.

the food to be served, soon.

the fish was steamed and served with a soy sauce with green onions, ginger and a little bit of coriander. I ate the fish cheek for the first time, as my grand father from Gaspésie used to do.

lunar new year is in 2 weeks and all the shops and offices put up their decorations for the year of the tiger to come.

next update, half of the 50km of the Hong Kong trail.

4 commentaires:

  1. very nice, looks like a really nice island wish i could of gone

  2. Jasmin or is it J. ?
    Thanks for giving us the great tour of your travels.
    I like the latest, particularly the graphic images.

  3. Jacynthe,

    à voir ce que tu manges...j'imagine que tu ne vas pas grossir...poisson bouilli avec qq légumes verts. J'espère que c'est bon !!

    Et bien tu en as de la chance de visiter comme cela une île en plein milieu de la au chaud en plus. Profite bien car nous c'était une semaine bien froide...pour ne pas dire frette...

    Donc si je comprends bien tu as marché 25 km....ce jour là vive l'exercice.

    A+ xxx

  4. Bonjour Carole,
    malheureusement, je mange pas toujours aussi bien que ce jour là... En fait l'ile de Lamma est très petite et je ne pourrais dire combien de kilomètres j'ai fait. Je fais mon update aujourd'hui avec la randonnée de 25 km de jeudi dernier sur l'ile de Hong Kong.
